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Enable Flight Auto Grouping

Enable this to automatically group flights together. Flights that meet the following requirements will be grouped together:
  • Took place on the same day
  • Within 1 mile from one another

Automatically group newly uploaded flights: Off

Please note: Only Admins can modify this.

Other notes:
  • The newly created auto-group name will be the date of the flights, and can then be edited.
  • Flights will be grouped together regardless of the pilot in command.
  • Once a group is created, you can add-to or remove-from the group any flight, like a regular group.
  • Changing this setting will only affect newly uploaded flights.
  • Only flights that took place within the last 30 days will be auto-grouped. Older flights will not auto-group, even if you just uploaded those.

Enterprise Tip:   If you are using checklists and flying multiple flights at the same location and same day, you can fill out the checklists only once that day, and the automatic group will apply the checklist answers to all the flights under the automatic group!

Click here to learn more about flight group checklists