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AirData is able to automatically upload your P4 RTK flight logs with our AirData UAV Android app. Please follow these instructions for downloading our mobile app.

  1. On your desktop/laptop computer, download the latest APK installation file from here:
    The APK name looks like this: ad73.apk (version number may be different).
  2. Save the APK file to an SD card.
  3. Put the SD card inside the P4RTK Remote.
  4. In the P4RTK home screen - click the top left icon (3 white lines).
  5. On the left side, click the Settings wheel (second to last icon).
  6. At the top - click the "Apply to All" tab.
  7. Click "Explorer".
  8. Click "Home" in the top yellow/orange area.
  9. Click "SD Card".
  10. Click the Airdata APK - ad73.apk.
  11. Click "Next" multiple times and the "Install".
  12. Click "Open", log in with your AirData login, and configure Auto Sync.

Lastly, this video highlights some key points about setting up the AirData app.

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Posted 10 months ago
There is no option to download the Airdata App with the P4 RTK Ground Station controller. Is there a way to download the applicable flight records onto the SD card of the controller or drone rather than downloading using DJI Assitant? That program never seems to work for me and is cumbersome. I did have a way at one point to locate the files on the SD card but cannot find that link!
Trevor Hall
Posted 10 months ago
Thanks for your comment! A few of our customers have mentioned that they successfully installed the AirData mobile app on the P4 RTK controller using the instructions on this help page. Once installed, the app can automatically upload the logs.

Could you let us know which step you’re having trouble with?

As for accessing the logs from the SD card, we’re not certain if they’re stored there, and if they are, we’re not sure which folder they’d be in.

AirData Support
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