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How pilot permissions affect maintenance

Feature availability

When adding a new user/pilot to your account, you may want to consider how the permission you assign them will affect their ability to view/complete maintenance items.

The following is how our maintenance section is currently structured when it comes to user/pilot permissions.

  • Login: The pilot will be able to see, but not to complete, maintenance on their own equipment (equipment that they have flown with).

  • Edit: The pilot will be able to see and complete maintenance, only on their own equipment (equipment that they have flown with).

  • View All: The pilot will be able to see all upcoming maintenance items, but will only be able to complete maintenance on equipment that they have flown with.

  • Admin: The pilot will be able to see and complete all upcoming maintenance items, for all equipment.

You can adjust user/pilot permissions by going to "My Account" -> "Users/Pilots", or click here.

pilot permissions

The ability to allow multiple users/pilots to log in to your AirData account is a feature offered with our Enterprise-level subscription. Please send an email to [email protected] to learn more. 

 Watch related AirTime session
 An Overview of AirData's Maintenance  

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Abdel Abdelab
Posted one year ago
Bonjour, je change la carte Mère de mon anafi Parrot
Et maintenant J’arrive pas à faire fonctionner la nacelle de ma caméra

Hello, I'm changing the motherboard of my anafi Parrot

And now I can't operate the carrycot of my camera
Tom AirData
Posted one year ago
Hi Abdel,

Thank you for sharing this question.

I understand that you are having hardware issues with your aircraft after changing the motherboard.

AirData is a software platform that is used to collect and analyze drone telemetry for performance and compliance.
As such, our support team does not provide guidance on hardware modifications.

You can try asking in our community forum:
We have many dedicated drone enthusiasts who post and reply there.

Thank you. Good luck with your aircraft.

Best Regards,
AirData Support
Abdel Abdelab
Posted one year ago
Bonjour, je change la carte Mère de mon anafi Parrot
Et maintenant J’arrive pas à faire fonctionner la nacelle de ma caméra

Hello, I'm changing the motherboard of my anafi Parrot

And now I can't operate the carrycot of my camera
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